F&M Consulenti d’Azienda

F&M Consulenti d’Azienda Srl is born until 1989. The company worked on behalf of a number of important industrial concerns and then made a name for itself, both in Italy and in Europe, in management consultancy and company organization under the guidance of Dr. Massimo Scaglioni, chartered accountant and licensed auditor.

It works alongside entrepreneurs as an integrator of advanced services industries.

Through highly-qualified individuals including accountants, lawyers, credit trustees, and labor consultants, the company can offer its scientific know-how in questions of financial administration, tax advice, corporate finance, and company law, including at an international level, at the service of companies that are typically featured by a strong component of innovation and dynamism.

The more traditional services of administration, tax, payrolls, and workers’ rights have been complemented by services with a high value-added and noteworthy strategic importance.
One of these is, without doubt, Corporate Finance, concerning questions of financial endowment both at the ‘startup’ and ‘substitution’ or ‘risk capital participation’ stage: the right balance between financial instruments can often enable the cost of borrowing money to be re-absorbed in the development of the company’s production cycle.

With the passing of time, the professionals of F&M have handled cases in various regions, which involved resorting both to legislative solutions and to ordinary instruments, most of the time structured in a manner to match their cost and mitigate the financial weaknesses of the SMEs.

For this reason, operations of assistance aim to improve companies’ financial structure and consolidate their liabilities by means of evaluation and application of various instruments, with the purpose of creating a simple and user-friendly ‘compass of the cost of money and its availability, which could also guide anyone not specifically an insider.

At the Kilometro Rosso F&M implemented both THE EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY OF INNOVATIVE FINANCE FOR EUROPEAN PMIs, where financial structures of some complexity are studied to make them easily available to small and medium-sized businesses and THE FRONT OFFICE FOR STRATEGIC INTERNATIONAL GROUP ORGANIZATION, where the company and legal structures are considered in detail to put them at the disposal of small and medium-sized businesses doing a considerable amount of work internationally.

In addition to the office in the Kilometro Rosso Science and Technology Park, F&M is located in Mantova (headquarter), Verona, Brescia, Pordenone, Trento, Modena e Parma.

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