The MEL – Medicine and Work – society born as a medical Centre, is in a position to offer its services to firms concerning every health activity about industrial medicine.
The MEL is made to satisfy an increasing demand for a most careful precautionary measure against risks and for control on the safety of the job post and particularly in order to give a complete and consistent reply to the fulfilments demanded by the 626/94 legislative decree and following modifications and integrations.
The questions concerning an effective intervention of the removal or reduction of the job risks and occupational diseases have already become one of the problems to face in the management of a firm, concern, or a private or public undertaking.
The MEL is structured in a system of human means (specialized doctors, professional nurses, specialized technicians) experiences, proceedings that, over the years have more and more consolidated thanks to the constant medical service for public and private undertakings with several different productive domains.
The two MEL centers located in Ranica and Almenno S.B. (Bergamo – IT) are structured as medical centers, where specialized staff can face the most pressing need of a medical checkup, not only generically aimed at a global valuation of the health of a person–worker but also of investigation of every chemical, biological, and physical factors that can create problems to the worker.
Nowadays favorable opportunity of settlement in the Kilometro Rosso Science and Technology Park, it is necessary to add research and development, quality, and integration to a fundamental system to the promotion and maintenance of the highest level of the physical, mental and social wellbeing of workers in any job by starting from the fulfillment of an integrated system of competences center/contact center/call center, capable to satisfy the requests of firms on the themes of safety.