International Research Center for Robot and Additive Manufacturing 4.0 – IRCRAM 4.0

International Research Center for Robot and Additive Manufacturing 4.0 – IRCRAM 4.0

IRCRAM 4.0 aims to develop Additive Manufacturing and robotics productive techniques for the manufacturing of large-scale components made of advanced materials. The project is funded by the call “Research and Innovation HUB” of the European Programme for Regional Development in Lombardy

About IRCRAM 4.0

IRCRAM 4.0 is a 30-month project which, through the employment of new Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques, has as its objective the creation of a new approach to mechanical design  for the manufacturing of industrial components which cannot be made with traditional technologies. In line with the challenges of today’s manufacturing sector, whose objective is to progressively shift towards a more sustainable and efficient production, IRCRAM 4.0 solutions allow to improve process efficiency along with operators’ safety, as the most dangerous tasks are handled by remote controlled and interconnected robots.


The creation of a new approach devoted to mechanical design which pivots on AM technology addressing the production of components which cannot be made with other traditional processes.

The development of an AM machine equipped with artificial intelligence and a tolerance measurement system allowing for a real-time control of the printing process, and dimensional and mechanical properties of components.

The development of a cluster of robots pivoting on industry 4.0 technology able to handle large-scale components. In addition, a specific analysis focusing on the reduction of noises, which makes use of vibration damping through ANT (Active Noise Control) and AVC (Active Vibration Control) techniques, will be conducted.

Research on the development of new materials for AM, such as metals, polymers, and composites to be used and tested in the identified solutions.

Research on new technologies to be used on large-scale components which would entail thermoelasticity techniques allowing for the acquisition of images from which it is possible to get information on the dimensional and mechanical characteristics of the product.


  • Duration
    30 months

  • Kick-off Meeting

  • AM station launch

  • First Training Course

  • Second Training Course

  • Third Training Course

  • Final event 07/2022


Kilometro Rosso role in IRCRAM 4.0

A training and testing centre equipped with a DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering) machine with open and configurable parameters has been located at Kilometro Rosso. In this centre, AM techniques for the design of small components are first studied and then developed. These techniques will then be transferred and applied to large-scale components.

In addition, the set-up of a 3D printing laboratory allows to offer training courses open to companies or professionals wishing to specialise in AM design. In fact, one of the tasks of Kilometro Rosso is to bridge the gap between companies and their need for AM skilled professionals.

Funded by the POR FESR programme of Regione Lombardia (CUP E18I20000040007).
Total grant € 271.790,13.

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